Your tax refund is just about ready for submission. Have you listed every item you should? Are there things you've purchased throughout the previous year you could claim, resulting in a better return for you? We decided to share some tips on what to look out for when submitting a return as a shift worker. Hopefully it leads to a greater financial gain for you compared to previous year. 
| what to claim on taxes | tax tips and tricks | what can you claim on your taxes | 
#taxtips #taxhelpYou'd be hard pressed to convince us at The Other Shift that every person on this planet doesn't want to maximse their tax return each year. However, in a number of cases, people don't know exactly what they can and can not claim. We are no tax professioanls, but our article is a great start for people better understanding exactly what can be claimed when working shift work.
| claim what is yours | tax tips 2020 | what can i claim on my taxes | 
#taxrefund #taxadviceShift workers! Would you like some extra money in the bank account? Well listen up... Did you know that you might be able to claim your uniform, computer, subscriptions or lunch pail (lunch box). A fair majority of people out there don't fully understand what can be claimed when it comes to their work, so we wanted to share some light on items you should consider.
| tax refund tips | tax tips 2021 | what to claim on taxes tips | 
#taxadvisor #ustaxation